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Webster Fetal Turning Technique

Chiropractic and pregnancy

Fetal malposition and breech babies

Babies can get stuck in a wrong position in the womb for various reasons. When they do it is important to be working with a chiropractor who is skilled in obstetrical chiropractic diagnostics and techniques that help mother and baby achieve optimal position for birth. I first learned some of the more traditional turning techniques from my great OB/GYN professor Dr. Maxine McMullen at Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1979. My wife Daryl, and I were gearing up to expand our family and we of course wanted to take the most natural route. In the process I was attending classes with Dr. McMullen and Daryl and I were attending home birthing classes given by two very experienced midwives. We fortunately did not encounter any fetal malposition of any of our children but some of the other pregnant women did. We were able to observe the turning techniques first hand and we were also called upon as home birth attendants for two of the pregnancies. These are some of our finest experiences in our life. I’ve always said, When you are in the atmosphere of a birth you are as close to the heaven on earth experience that you’re going to get.” It really is quite incredible.

I was taught the Webster Breech Baby Turning Technique by Dr. Larry Webster himself.

I first encountered Larry Webster in Toronto, Canada years later when I decided to attend his Fellowship inspired program given by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). It was there that the Webster Turning Technique was taught. It was very unique in that it did not involve the usual and often uncomfortable deep physical palpation and unusual body positioning that I was originally taught. The Webster Technique involves a palpatory assessment of the fetal position and a chiropractic assessment of the pelvic alignment of the mother. These assessments are followed by a corrective adjustment and reflex point pressure on the abdomen. The effectiveness of the technique when compared to the more traditional turning methods was superior. This was a nice find because of the gentleness factor. Most women are seeking these alternatives very late in their pregnancies so comfort means everything.

I have been using the Webster Turning Technique for 20 years and I have to say that it has nearly replaced all of my other turning techniques. I have performed the Webster Turning Technique on hundreds of my pregnant female patients and I only recall two times where the baby did not turn, however those two women naturally birthed their babies breech. All concerned, mother, infant and father did well and are part of the big happy family of natural and home birthers. Be sure to check out our pediatric page at Seaside Wellness Center. We like to combine the chiropractic approach with our other deep relaxation techniques including Young Living Essential Oil aromatherapy and foot reflexology with Daryl Weisberg.

Dr. John E. Weisberg


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