Our Unique Approach
Here at Seaside Wellness Center, we take the whole person – body, mind, and spirit – into consideration when determining the best approach for helping you and your family live lives of wellness.
Holistic Care
We recognize that you are more than just a body. You also have a mind, a spirit, and a life full of experiences which all affect how you interact with the world. Because we see you as a whole person, we are better able to offer solutions for healing and wellness that will help you and your family, achieve balance in all of these areas.
This is why we offer specialized programs in Chiropractic and Clinical Nutrition. These techniques used individually and collectively will help your body and mind achieve greater balance and reach higher levels of health.
Innate Intelligence
Innate intelligence refers to the principle that as a human being, you have the innate power to maintain your own health. Your body is naturally inclined to be well and stay well, and it is only when your life force is impeded upon that your body becomes unwell.
Through the specialized care of Dr. John Weisberg, we at Seaside Wellness Center can help you regain balance in your nervous system, thus allowing for your body’s innate intelligence to create and sustain true wellness.
A life of wellness and vitality is within your reach! We would love to help you and your family get there.
To learn more or schedule your appointment, call us today at (910) 352-2723.