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Allergies and Environmental Sensitivities

With the changing of the seasons, particularly winter to Spring and Spring to Summer, many of us experience allergies and environmental sensitivities. Although we have little control over our out door environment and its irritants, we can effect changes in our homes and work places. We can strengthen our immune system and support our respiratory systems with Reflexology and Essential Oils. I have found the most effective oils to be the Young Living Essential Oils of Thieves and R.C.

Thieves I use Thieves essential oil extensively in my Reflexology practice. It is the best when I am working with a patient with cold and flu like symptoms. As well as a topical application I will run Thieves in the diffuser during the Reflexology session. Not only does it support my patients immunity, it helps to balance the physiology and achieve homeostasis, which is the issue when it comes to allergy. Thieves is an excellent home cleaner and Young Living has an extensive home cleaning product line to help us keep the chemicals out of the home, which is good for the family health pattern. a beautiful blend of many different varietals of the Eucalyptus flora. It is gentle enough to use with infants and babies during those congestive times during teething and growth spurts.

Both Thieves and R.C. essential oils are used in the Reflexology session and applied to the appropriate reflex points on the feet that stimulate and support balanced immunity and physiology. When sinusitis is present I also place R.C. in the diffuser during the Reflexology session. Both of these oils are included in the Young Living Member Starter Kit, which gives you the opportunity to put two of the most useful and helpful essentials to use for a healthier and more pure home atmosphere. Good for you and your family.

Have a terrific, sinus and allergy free Spring.

Daryl D. Weisberg, M.S.

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